Commercial Drain Services in Battle Creek or Lansing MI

Drain Repair

You may not think of the drains in your parking lot when you think of repairs needed to your commercial property, but these can become one of the costliest expenses if not maintained properly. Deterioration is one of the biggest issues that can happen, with consequences such as backup of roots and debris, as well as pooling water. This is a liability to you as a property owner, do not take this risk.

Quality Asphalt & Maintenance will protect your parking lot with the following solution:

  • Concrete Drain Repair
  • Concrete Drain Rebuild
  • Trench Drains
  • Drain Cleaning
  • Drain Inspections

Don't wait until your drain becomes a problem, call us at 517-543-9345 to avoid the headache!

As you create a new parking lot or repave an existing parking lot, there is one vital piece that you do not want to forget - the drains. As nice as a freshly paved parking lot looks to customers and employees, one that is flooded does not promote the same look.

Of course, giant puddles can be an issue for cars and pedestrians. You do not want to hear that your customers' shoes are soaked from walking in your parking lot. What you might not think of? The life of the asphalt itself! Water collected on the surface can damage the area by weakening it over time.

To combat these unwanted issues, there are a few options. These include: :

  • Parking Lot Sloping
  • Asphalt Curbing
  • New Drain Installation

Quality Asphalt & Maintenance LLC in the Charlotte, MI area can help you alleviate or prevent all of these issues. Call us today at 517-543-9345.